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Cruise Ship Medicals London


  • Comprehensive Health Evaluations: We specialise in Cruise Medicals, ensuring you meet the health requirements. Our comprehensive checks provide critical data on overall health, tailoring evaluations to the unique challenges of maritime conditions.
  • Non-Invasive with No Special Preparations: Unlike many medical evaluations, our cruise ship medicals require no special preparations. You just continue your regular diet and simply need to wear a gown, provided for the test.
  • Expert Maritime Health Evaluations: Utilising advanced medical technology, our experts conduct in-depth health assessments crucial for safe maritime travel, ensuring accurate detection of any potential health issues.


  • Undetected Health Conditions: Skipping a cruise line medical can lead to undiagnosed health issues which could be exacerbated by the conditions at sea, potentially leading to severe medical emergencies.
  • Non-Compliance with Maritime Regulations: Failing to complete a cruise ship medical test can result in non-compliance with international maritime health standards, possibly leading to denied boarding or legal challenges.

Choosing Cruise Ship Medicals Offers:

  • Safety and Compliance: Our cruise ship medicals ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations, providing peace of mind for you.
  • Preparation for your life at sea: Our evaluations prepare you for life at sea, reducing the risk of medical emergencies aboard the ship.


Choose us for comprehensive and expert cruise PEME & REME medicals. Our use of advanced technology and a team of specialised maritime health professionals ensure precise and dependable health assessments. From the initial booking to the detailed analysis of your results, we offer a streamlined and transparent process, ensuring you receive expert care and valuable health insights.

Our clinic is designed for comfort and equipped with the latest technology, ensuring all procedures – from the initial booking to the receipt of your cruise ship medical certificate – are conducted smoothly and transparently. By choosing us, you’re not just getting a medical examination, you’re receiving a full cruise pre-employment medical examination (PEME) and/or returning/re-employed crew employment medical examination (REME) that ensure you are thoroughly prepared and meet all the required health standards for working at sea.


We provide top-tier cruise PEME & REME medicals in London.

Our cruise medical examination team offers thorough physical tests, psychological evaluations, and necessary immunizations, all part of the medical for cruise ship jobs. These tailored assessments are designed to ensure that every individual is physically and mentally prepared for the unique challenges out there.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment – set sail knowing your health has been expertly verified for the demands of cruise ship travel.


A cruise line medical is a comprehensive health examination required for anyone planning to work or travel on a cruise ship, ensuring they meet the specific health standards necessary for maritime travel. This includes the cruise PME medical, which is a detailed Pre-Employment Medical Examination specifically designed for potential maritime employees.

Our cruise medicals involve a thorough health evaluation, including a review of medical history, physical examination, and necessary health screenings such as blood tests and immunizations, aligning with the medical requirements for cruise ship jobs.

Arrive in comfortable clothing suitable for a physical exam and bring any necessary documents such as your passport and medical history records.

Expect a detailed assessment that includes checks on vital signs, heart, lungs, and other necessary health screenings to ensure you are fit for life at sea.

After the evaluation, you will receive a detailed report on your health status and a cruise ship medical certificate if you meet all health criteria, along with recommendations for managing your health on board.

Our services are ideal for both potential crew members and passengers. Those specifically seeking PEME or REME Examinations for Seafarers will find our services aligned with industry standards, ensuring they are fully prepared and qualified for their roles on board.

Yes, you can reschedule your appointment. Please contact us directly for rescheduling inquiries, noting that a £50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your booking.

The complete assessment typically takes about an hour, depending on individual health needs.