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Private CT Scan London


  • Unmatched Diagnostic Clarity: The high-resolution CT imaging we offer penetrates deeper than standard imaging techniques, producing clear, detailed visuals of organs, bones, and soft tissues.
  • Versatility in Medical Diagnosis: From detecting cancerous growths and infections to observing brain activity and spinal injuries, CT Scans are versatile diagnostic tools that serve myriad medical purposes.
  • Non-Invasive Technique: Unlike some medical procedures, CT Scans offer a non-invasive way to view the body’s interior, making it a preferred choice for many.
  • Quick & Efficient: Our state-of-the-art CT Scan service delivers fast results. From preparation to conclusion, the process is streamlined, ensuring patients spend minimal time during the procedure.
  • Aids in Treatment Planning: Beyond diagnosis, CT Scans are crucial in treatment planning, allowing medical professionals to map out precise treatment strategies based on the scan’s insights.


  • Radiation Exposure: While CT Scans provide invaluable medical insights, they do expose patients to ionising radiation. However, at TIC IMAGING, our reduced radiation dose technology ensures the exposure is minimised without compromising image quality.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some CT Scans require contrast dye to enhance image clarity. Rarely, this dye might trigger allergic reactions in certain individuals.
  • Sedation Concerns: In specific scenarios, patients might need sedation, which carries its own set of risks. Though rare, it’s vital to discuss any sedation concerns with the radiologist beforehand.
  • Potential Pregnancy Risks: If you’re pregnant or suspect you might be, inform your healthcare provider. Radiation, even minimal, may not be suitable for pregnant women, and alternative imaging methods may be considered.
  • Overall Safety: It’s essential to understand that while there are risks associated with CT Scans, the benefits often outweigh the potential dangers. Decisions to undertake a CT Scan are typically based on a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s health, needs, and the diagnostic value of the scan. Always ensure open communication with your healthcare provider to understand the complete picture.

The pursuit of understanding the intricacies of our body demands precise and accurate imaging. It’s not merely about viewing internal structures but about ensuring the safety and health of patients during the diagnostic process.

At TIC IMAGING, we prioritise both precision and patient well-being. Specialising in Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning, we offer unparalleled insights into the body’s internal systems. Our commitment is to provide accurate, high-resolution CT imaging using state-of-the-art equipment.

Our team, enriched with vast experience, ensures every scan achieves its purpose: providing the most detailed image, crucial for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Choosing a CT Scan delivers: -

People might choose a CT (Computed Tomography) scan for several reasons, given its distinct advantages and applications in medical imaging. A CT scan combines a series of X-ray measurements from different angles around the body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels, and soft tissues inside your body. Here are some reasons why a CT scan might be preferred or recommended.

Speed: CT scans are much faster than most other imaging methods, often taking only a few minutes to complete. This makes them particularly useful in emergencies, where rapid diagnosis is critical.

Detail in Imaging Bone Structures: CT scans are highly effective at imaging bone structures, making them invaluable for diagnosing bone fractures, spinal issues, and other skeletal abnormalities.

Detection of Internal Injuries and Internal Bleeding: The speed and detail of CT scans make them ideal for detecting internal injuries and bleeding quickly, which can be life-saving in trauma situations.

Guiding Procedures: CT scans can be used to guide certain procedures such as biopsies, surgeries, and radiation therapy, providing real-time images that help improve precision and outcomes.

Comprehensive Scans: CT scans can provide a comprehensive view of large areas of the body, making them useful for diagnosing diseases of the liver, lung, and other abdominal organs.

Low Cost: Compared to MRI scans, CT scans are generally less expensive and more widely available, making them a more accessible option for many patients.

Efficiency in Emergency Settings: Given their speed and effectiveness in imaging a variety of tissues and structures, CT scans are often the first line of imaging in emergency settings, such as after accidents or in cases of acute abdominal pain.


For those in London searching for “Private CT Scans near me”, TIC IMAGING provides an unmatched level of diagnostic accuracy and patient care.

Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest in CT scan technology, offering detailed, high-resolution images crucial for diagnosing a variety of conditions. Our team of experienced radiologists and technicians prioritises your comfort and safety, utilising reduced radiation dose technology to ensure a safe and effective diagnostic process.

Choosing TIC IMAGING for your CT scan needs means accessing top-tier medical imaging services designed for your health and peace of mind.

Contact us today and schedule your appointment – experience the convenience and reliability of our expertly conducted CT scans.

With TIC IMAGING, you’re not just getting a CT scan, you’re taking a proactive step towards understanding and improving your health with the help of leading medical imaging professionals in London.


CT (Computed Tomography) scans, also known as CAT scans, use X-rays and computer technology to produce detailed cross-sectional images of the body. They can scan virtually every part of the body and are particularly useful for diagnosing diseases and injuries. Here are some of the main body parts and areas that can be examined with a CT scan:

Head: Used to detect tumors, injuries, brain diseases, and other internal conditions. It can also assess the sinuses and detect sinusitis.

Chest: Helps in the examination of the lungs, heart, and chest cavity. It’s useful for detecting tumors, infections, blood clots, and other conditions like emphysema or heart disease.

Abdomen and Pelvis: CT scans can assess abdominal and pelvic organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, adrenal glands, and gastrointestinal tract. They’re useful for detecting tumors, infections, kidney stones, and appendicitis.

Bones: They can visualize the spine, skull, and extremities, assessing for fractures, tumors, or bone diseases.

Blood Vessels: Through a technique called CT angiography, it’s possible to visualize blood vessels throughout the body, checking for aneurysms, blockages, and other vascular diseases.

Soft Tissues: CT scans can provide detailed images of soft tissues, including muscles and organs, making them useful for detecting masses and tumors.

Cancer Diagnosis and Monitoring: CT scans are commonly used in the diagnosis of cancer since they can show the size and location of tumors, as well as their relation to nearby tissues. They are also used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment over time.

CT scans are invaluable in emergency situations, where they can quickly provide vital information about injuries to the head, spine, chest, or abdomen. They are also used extensively to guide biopsy procedures, plan for surgery, and monitor the effectiveness of certain treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

A CT Scan, or Computed Tomography Scan, uses advanced X-ray technology paired with computer processing to produce detailed images of internal structures, aiding in medical diagnostics.

CT Scans can detect and monitor various conditions, ranging from tumours, infections to abnormalities in organs. It provides a comprehensive internal view, essential for accurate medical evaluations.

Patients lie on a table that slides into the scanning machine, capturing images from various angles. These images are then processed to produce a three-dimensional view of the scanned area.

While CT Scans involve exposure to radiation, TIC IMAGING uses reduced radiation dose technology, prioritising patient safety without compromising image quality.

Preparation can vary based on the scan’s focus. Typically, you might be advised to refrain from eating or drinking for a certain duration before the scan. Always inform your doctor about allergies, medications, or if you’re pregnant.

You’ll be required to lie still, occasionally holding your breath. The scan is painless and can range from a few minutes to an hour, based on the scan type.

Post scan, our radiologists review the images. You’ll be provided with detailed feedback, guiding any further medical steps or treatments.

CT Scan costs can vary based on the type and complexity. However, TIC IMAGING is committed to transparency, ensuring there are no hidden costs. Always consult our team for specific pricing details.